A medical emergency occurred while I was with my client Ms. Smith leading to a longer than anticipated visit. Mrs. Smith is safe now and I am desperately in need of using the washroom. I...
I know this is not ideal but I it is an emergency. To make the washroom safe to use I...
I would look for an alternative at...
Paper does not offer a safe barrier to bacteria on the toilet seat. If you have no choice but to use a client’s washroom please avoid sitting or touching if and when possible.
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Using a client’s washroom is a last resort. You are right that if you have no choice but to do then to avoid sitting or touching if and when possible.
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This is the best alternative if a café is close by. It also offers the option to recharge with a drink or snack in preparation for your next client visit. Using a client’s washroom is not recommended. The nearest coffee shop or clean washroom is generally the safest option.
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A clean and safe public washroom is a good alternative. Using a client’s washroom is not recommended. The nearest coffee shop or clean washroom is generally the safest option.
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